Clinton High School students
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Preparing Oklahoma

Students for College

What is GEAR UP?

Oklahoma GEAR UP, a federally funded program administered by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, partners with 13 school districts and five regional colleges throughout the state to prepare nearly 16,000 middle and high school students for college success.


Building relationships and providing resources to improve achievement of all students.

Families & Students

Helping students and families prepare for college and career readiness.

Plan a College Visit

Click here to schedule an in-person or virtual visit at Oklahoma’s colleges.

Educators Toolbox

Let us help you impact student learning with classroom resources and leadership opportunities.

Financial Aid

There are many options available to help families pay for college.

GEAR UP Schools

Oklahoma GEAR UP proudly serves EVERY student in our partnering 13 school districts across the state. Learn more about our services.

What Does GEAR UP Mean for Your Community?

Your local school district’s partnership with GEAR UP is creating and sustaining a college-going culture in your community, ensuring a brighter future for your students. GEAR UP is improving awareness of college opportunities by teaching students and their families what steps they need to apply to college, pay for college and succeed in college.


seniors in GEAR UP schools completed a college application


students attended college readiness workshops


students received academic counseling


students attended a college visit

Questions? Call the Student Hotline.

Oklahoma GEAR UP Events and Deadlines

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