GEAR UP Grant V Contact Information

Grant V Contact Form

Please complete at your earliest convenience.

Your Contact Information(Required)
Federal Programs/Fiscal Contact(Required)
Please provide contact information for the person who should receive notification when money is sent to your district.
Data Contact(Required)
In accordance with the data sharing agreement between your district and Oklahoma GEAR UP, there are times when you will share data for GEAR UP to meet its federal reporting requirements. Some of this data may contain personally identifiable information (PII). To meet the requirements for safe exchange of PII, GEAR UP uses O-SAFE. O-SAFE is a secure access file exchange system used by all OSRHE programs to exchange sensitive data with external entities, such as its individual colleges and universities. The system complies with FERPA regulations and transfers files through a secure, encrypted channel. Files are automatically deleted from the system after 14 days. Your district will need to designate one data contact who will be responsible for uploading this data to O-SAFE for GEAR UP’s internal evaluator.
Media Contact(Required)
This point-of-contact in your district is the person who handles your social media platforms and website. While this person may be different for each of your sites (high school and middle school), please provide the information for whom you wish GEAR UP's communication director to work with directly.